Hcg Injections Blog



If you are successful in Phase 2, you have to go right away to Phase 3. You have to follow a safe transition process. The transition period happens when you enter phase 3 of the HCG diet. It is not unusual to feel uneasy about the transition to this final stage of weight loss. However, there is no need to worry if you follow the basic guidelines or the protocol. The HCG diet is designed to let your body adjust slowly to the new protocol of eating. This is a stage that will prepare you to have real foods back in your meal.

The transition phase is the last 72 hours in your VLCD. The purpose of your transition period is to make sure that there is no HCG left in your body. This is when you can start adding more food to your diet. You can start your transition period after your last HCG injection. You still have to continue your 500 calorie diet during the 3 days after your last injection. At this point, you will stop using the HCG and begin to resume healthy eating. However, you still have to avoid sugar, carbs and other unhealthy foods. You are allowed to increase your intake of calories but not with unhealthy foods.

What is the Phase 3 of the HCG diet?

Phase 3 is known as the stabilization phase. This phase is not about losing weight anymore. But, this is about stabilizing your weight loss as you introduce more foods on your body. You have to be careful during this phase because you will likely gain weight easily. The usual duration of phase 3 lasts for 21 days. Your metabolism will get complicated if you fail to complete the 21-day duration. Spend a great deal of time to adjust from real foods. Observe each food choice that you eat and see if it causes weight gain. To succeed in your stabilization phase you have to be watchful in loading.

Tips to do for a healthy transitioning on HCG diet

  • Handle cravings

You can start eating regular foods during Phase three. So there is a little chance that you get cravings. This is the moment that you must be prepared and you must know how to handle cravings. Focus on the foods that you can eat such as ample proteins. You can also enjoy low glycemic fruits and vegetables. Deal with cravings by having time to prepare ahead of your food to be able to avoid hunger pains.

  • Be careful with your food choices

Stay on your toes about your food choices. You do not have to jump right away and eat whatever you want. You still have to stick to the protocol. Always refer to the food list for your food choices during the transition phase. Make sure that you are not eating foods that have carbs and sugar. This is because it can cause a weight stall. Sugar and starches are harmful during your P3 because it stops your weight stabilization.

  • Start Exercising

You should do some form of exercise at least three to five times per week. Exercising helps you keep the weight loss you have achieved. Exercise can also help in maintaining your cardiovascular health. Exercise should help you stay within two pounds of weight loss. Avoid extreme exercises such as heavy workouts and weightlifting. Extreme exercises will cause you to get fatigued and tired. This eventually leads to weight gain and rapid eating.

  • Re-introduce your food slowly

The foods that you are going to add back are still new in your body. Add them slowly so that your body will have time to adjust. The purpose of introducing food slowly is to give your stomach a time to adjust from VLCD. You still need to control your food portions. Entering on P3 is different from your loading phase. Phase 3 is all about the stabilization of your weight loss. You have to balance your food intake to stabilize the weight loss that you reached.

  • Stop your HCG injection on the last 72 hours of P2

The reason why you have to stop having your injection is to prepare your body for P3. The HCG will stay active on your body for 3 days. You have to make sure that it is completely gone before you start to add back more food choices. Track your weight from time to time because the last 72 hours of the VLCD is a bit challenging. You still have to weigh every morning and keep a record of your daily food intake.

Getting started on P3 of the HCG diet

  • Practice mindfulness- Be mindful of everything you do. Being mindful of the HCG diet can aid in weight loss stabilization. Mindfulness will help you determine physical and emotional hunger. Mindfulness is working out your body and mind in reaching your weight loss goal.
  • Do not load on sugar and carbs- carbs and sugar will cause you to gain weight immediately. Adding more food choices on your diet does not mean that you have to add carbs and sugar to it. Remember that the foods that you will be adding back are alien to your body. Load it slowly so that your body can have time to process it.
  • Introduce dairy products one at a time- Your body is still sensitive to dairy products because you have been avoiding them during your VLCD. Introducing them slowly will give your body time to adjust.
  • You can do a Steak Day if needed- This is needed when your weight goes higher than your last weigh-in. Steak day is an immediate action you can do to correct weight gain. You can also do the apple a day for correction.
  • Plan your calorie intake- P3 is the most exciting and rewarding part of your HCG diet. However, you have to be careful about loading because your body is still adjusting from the VLCD. Aim at an exact number of calories that you have to maintain in every meal setting.