We all have an idea about the effect of sugar. This is not new for everyone even if we are not dieters. Sweets are not good for us. This often leads us to confusion because not all sweet foods are created equal. This article will give more knowledge about sweets that are harmful to health. Before starting the diet, consult a doctor to cater you with your weight loss goal.
One of the common health advice for all dieters is to avoid sugars in many forms. This is because if you are too much exposed to sugar, it has a negative effect on the body. We are lucky now because we do not have to run to the nutrition center to know about sugar. There is much information from the internet that would guide us to be effective in our diet.
The refined sugar- This is raw sugar which has the highest glycemic load ever. Sugars are one of the most contributors to weight gain. Any form of sugar is not allowed on the HCG diet because of its effect on the work of the hormones. Sugar and the HCG diet hormones do not work with each other. It is the number one thing that you must let go during the HCG diet.
There are packed foods that have added sugar. You must be careful about it if you are doing the HCG diet. If you want to satisfy the sweet tooth, you are only allowed to have stevia as sweetener. It is a natural product who comes sweeter than sugar. Stevia is a guilt-free plant that satisfies the sweet cravings without gaining weight.
The HCG diet is a fast weight loss protocol. However, it will not work if you continue to do unhealthy habits. The first you have to do is to let go of the things that hold you back. There are things that can stop weight loss or may sabotage the whole process.
Sugars in any form are not allowed but it does not mean that you cannot enjoy the sweet treat. You can enjoy flavorful drinks on the HCG diet. The stevia is a sweet treat flavoring that you can use in adding flavor to your drinks. You can also use it in HCG recipes such as smoothies and etc. It does not mean that you have to leave sugar for the rest of your life. You can have an exact amount of sugar at the right time after the weight loss process.