The original protocol of the HCG diet does not permit carbs and sugar during the VLCD. It is because they are the typical culprits of weight gain. Likewise, carbs and sugar can affect the body’s response to the program. Over the past years, the HCG protocol ha several modifications and additional food options. Ensure that you are following a medically supervised diet to manage your weight loss.
The HCG food selection scopes on fresh and organic products in your local market. The HCG diet is a high protein and fiber diet. It centers on providing enough nutrients and vitamins to your body during weight loss. The food choices on the HCG diet stabilize your health during the very low-calorie phase.
Can You Have Carbs on the HCG Diet?
The reality is you are not eating zero carbs during the HCG diet. It has permissible carb options that help you manage your hunger. You can also eat healthy carbs options during the first two days of taking your HCG shots. Nonetheless, pay attention to the wide variety of nutrient-dense foods than focusing on the missing indulgences. Healthy food choices give additional benefits on maintaining a progressive weight loss while using HCG.
Why Do you have Limited Carb Options on the HCG Diet?
Limit your carb intake during the HCG diet to prevent water retention and other issues. Unhealthy carbs can compromise your body and lead to other health concerns. Avoid eating your favorite donuts, bagels, and other baked goods to avoid interfering with the mechanism of HCG. Eating carbs during the HCG diet can stimulate appetite and increase the fat deposition in your belly. High-carb foods release unhealthy cholesterol and sugar that can cause diabetes and hypertension. It can also worsen the adverse effects of obesity on your overall health.
What are the permissible Carbs during the HCG Diet?
Keep your car intake as low as possible to avoid interfering with your weight loss. You can eat Breadsticks and melba toast as permissible carbs on the HCG diet. You can eat two breadsticks per meal or one Melba toast to ensure that you are maintaining the 500 calorie diet. Other modifications of the HCG diet protocol also allow low-carb crackers. Avoid the high-glycemic-index food choices to prevent weight gain.
Aside from carbs, you can also have lean protein, vegetables, and fruits. These are the permissible food groups that you can enjoy during the HCG diet. The nutrients you get from protein, vegetables, and fruits are a macronutrient that maintains your health during the HCG diet. Keep your choices whole and organic to avoid chemicals that interfere with your progress.
Ensure to load at least 200 grams of protein per day to maintain satiety and prevent muscle mass loss. Protein is a macronutrient that plays a role during the HCG diet.
The vegetable and fruit choices during the HCG diet have limits on fiber-rich and non-starchy options. It ensures that your body is getting enough vitamins and nutrients while losing weight. Avoid eating processed grains, pasta, baked foods, and other options that contain carbs.